
    +1(786)2639712    +1(864)735-7049


    5302 Treepoint Santa Fe, TX 77510,USA 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

    Shipping takes maximum 48h for complete delivery regarding your geographical location

    Yes, we guarantee that all gamefowl are healthy at the time of sale. They are vaccinated and raised in clean, safe environments. If there are any concerns, please contact us immediately.

    Yes, we guarantee that all gamefowl are healthy at the time of sale. They are vaccinated and raised in clean, safe environments. If there are any concerns, please contact us immediately.

    Proper care includes providing a clean coop, fresh water, nutritious feed, and regular health checks. We can provide you with a detailed care guide after purchase.

    Once we confirm your order, we will update you a ups tracking number so you can monitor your package till complete delivery

    Yes an invoice is generated and sent to you via email for all order placed here on our official website

    Send us an email